Hands On Pottery NZ, North New Brighton, Christchurch

People Who Love Pets, Have Pets, Love Pets

Hi Everyone,
This is quite exciting for me, this is my first time online with my Pottery.
Some of you have already bought my Pottery from me, thank you, I really appreciate your support.
Some of you are family, friends, & from my CABG course, I also wish to thank you for all your support.
My Petware range of Pottery is all about remembering and caring for both your living and departed Pets.
I hope you enjoy what you see, I love making Personalised Pottery for your Pets, and through your guidance, we can together create the most Outstanding products.
If any of my Customers out there would like to give me a testimonial, that would be very much appreciated. My contact details at the moment are trishgreghopkins@xtra.co.nz
If you know of any of your friends that are Animal Lovers, that would like to subscribe to my newsletters, please ask them to fill out their details on my home page on Billboardme.
If any of you would like to unsubscribe, that is okay as well.

All the best to you all,
Trish Hopkins

Email: trish@handsonpottery.nz
Phone: +6433825545
Mobile: +64272944305
Profile: http://handsonpottery.billboardme.co.nz