Oamaru Club, Oamaru, Oamaru

Easing of Restrictions

There is some light at the end of the tunnel finally

As of this Saturday, the 100 persons restriction will be in creased to 200 persons in the Club
As of Tuesday 5th April the Vaccine Mandate will no longer apply to the Oamaru Club, scanning in will also no longer be a requirement

I would like to thank all members for their understanding and co operation over the past few months whilst these restrictions have been in place

Sooooooooo Good News is that Lucky member Draw Returns this coming Tuesday after a 2 month absence, currently sitting at $800.00

More Good News, Live Entertainment is set to return in the very near future

Not so good news is that from Friday 1st April there will be some minor price increases across our range of beverages, first increase in 18 months but necessary due to rising costs being imposed upon the Club

Bluff Oyster Raffles are back tonight from 5.30pm, also the longest happy hour kicks in from 6.30pm

Email: office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Phone: 03 434 6163
Profile: http://oamaruclub.billboardme.co.nz