Oamaru Club, Oamaru, Oamaru

Xmas Roast Special

Xmas Roast Special on offer at the Severn Restaurant, Roast Turkey or Ham with seasonal vegetables and all the trimmings plus Xmas pudding with brandy sauce and cream, just $40 per person, bookings highly recommended to avoid delays.

Lucky Number was STRUCK last Thursday, congratulations to Denise who collected a cool $2500.00 and will have an extra special festive season on the Club, so we reset today and kick off with a $600.00 draw tonight.

Xmas Ham Raffles continue, available at the Bar 7 days and also with our weekly Meat Raffles, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 5.30pm

Black Caps v India T20 Crickets tonight, Live on the BIG screen from 7.30pm, plus the first ODI this coming Friday starting at 2.30pm

Live Entertainment this Saturday night with "Deluxe", on stage from 7.30pm in the lounge bar, featuring music from Fleetwood Mac, Bruno Mars, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Kings of Leon, Dragon, The Killers and a lot moreā€¦

See you at the Club...........

Email: office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Phone: 03 434 6163
Profile: http://oamaruclub.billboardme.co.nz